Friday, December 27, 2013

Until Next Year

It's Friday morning, 8:00 a.m. to be more specific, and I am sitting in the waiting room of our family dentist while my husband has some necessary oral surgery. If that wasn't bad enough I am here without my latest knitting project. What in the world was I thinking?! Obviously upon leaving the house at 7:30 a.m. my brain was not fully awake as was evident by the cup of untouched coffee in the travel cup. Normally I am an early riser but all the holiday hoopla has definitely caught up with me, today of all days. Oh what's a girl to do....
Here's to hoping everyone had a wonderful Christmas! I enjoyed great company, great food and how cool is this, several of my holiday guests showed up sporting items I had knitted for them. Scarves, hats and socks rocked the party! Casual hints were dropped regarding shoe sizes, coat colors for matching hats, gloves and scarves. Seems like I won't be at a loss for what to knit next any time soon.
But truly, so fantastic to have my craft appreciated!
Has anyone checked out the year end sales at Webs? Some great deals so here's the link. I have filled my shopping cart just need to get home and double check a pattern before submitting. I like to make sure I have more yarn than called for (from the same lot) with any project and also see what I need to replenish. At these prices I would be a fool not to pad the stash. I still need to check and they are also advertising big year sales.          

The dentist is nearly finished and wants to discuss post op care. I end with wishes for a healthy and happy new year! Please visit soon!

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